Saturday, May 19, 2012

Character Name Background

Some background regarding some of the character names and personalities.

Clarence is named after one of my cousins. I chose to name him that because of the growing up journey
Clarence has to do in order to defeat Nexus by the end.

Now, my cousin Clarence was never the strongest of people. Swayed easily by peers, picked on, not physically strong at all, not very social, and extremely awkward and shy. Looking back on all of that and seeing how much my "little brother" has grown up, has shown me how much a person can grow with just the right guidance and motivation. Now, he is the most one of the most powerful, bravest, and social people I know. (I don't mean that literally because I'm still stronger than him. WHAT UP!?! =D)

His design was made by Taylor Ash.

Saga's name has been the hardest name to come up with and I still don't know if it's going to stick.
Originally, I was going to name him Spirit because 1.) I wanted Clarence to name him and show that he has no creativity and 2.) I couldn't think of anything cooler.

And so I named him Zero (Thus the name "Project Zero". There's a back story behind it, but I'm not going to get into it.) But I wanted Saga to change his name (as to keep it covert), so I gave him the name Legion.

I named him Legion because that was the name of the Geth squad-mate you receive in BioWare's Mass Effect 2. But that was just a placeholder name because it was definitely better than Spirit and I thought it was a great meaning behind it. ("Mark 5:9 in the New Testament —  "And he asked him, What is your name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." The Geth accepts this to be an "appropriate metaphor" and is henceforth known as Legion.)

Again, the problem was that I didn't think it fit the personality of Saga and there was only one of him so the name Legion wouldn't make any sense.

And so after lots of thinking, I decided to name him Saga.

1. a medieval Icelandic or Norse prose narrative of achievements and events in the history of a personage, family, etc.
2. any narrative or legend of heroic exploits. epic, tale, history.
3. Also called saga novel . a form of the novel in which the members or generations of a family or social group are chronicled in a long and leisurely narrative.
4. a dramatic history of a group, place, industry, etc.: the saga of the transcontinental railroad.
5. any very long story with dramatic events or parts: the sad saga of her life in poverty.
Taken from

Honestly, it fits him very well, considering his back story and the fact that a saga can be used to describe a certain span of time.

Ken's name really has no significance other than I kind of used it from the series, Digimon Adventure 02, when the main antagonist's name from the first arc of the series, was named Ken, in which he was the Digimon Emperor.

After that, I've always wanted to use the name of Ken for an antagonist.

His design was also created by Taylor Ash.

Nexus's original name was Nightmare. Now, as terrifying as the name Nightmare is, it's already WAYYYY too cliche. So, I came up with Nexus.

noun, plural nex·us·es, nex·us.
1.a means of connection; tie; link.
2.a connected series or group.
3.the core or center, as of a matter or situation.
4.Cell Biology . a specialized area of the cell membrane involved in intercellular communication and adhesion.
Taken from

 Considering his back story, Nexus was a very appropriate name for this antagonist. Plus, I've always thought that Nexus sounded like a evil name.

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